Sunday, December 14, 2014

favorite ab workout videos.

as i've mentioned before, i live in new england where the winter's are harsh. i spend all daylight hours at work, which doesn't leave much time for outdoor runs during the week. especially since i live on a dirt road which is almost always ice november-march. therefore, i often end up at the gym. apparently, i get out of work at the same time as everyone else in the state so the gym is usually PACKED when i get there. in that case, i like to hit the treadmill and then get the heck out of there. 

since i sometimes skip the weight machines at the gym, i got into workout videos on youtube. that way i can do it in the comfort of my own home and not in the crowded gym. i particularly like ab workout video's on youtube since i already have an arm/leg workout routine with my dumbbells that an old trainer taught me. maybe someday i will share it with you...but for now, check out my favorite ab work out videos. 

this video is by XHIT daily. i truly enjoy XHIT workouts. they are short and to the point. if you do it right, regardless of the length of time, you will be feeling the burn. sometimes, i do the videos twice. 

this is another video by XHIT daily. same thing, short but gets right to it. the main focus is your lower abs, which for me is the hardest thing to work. Rebecca, the video instructor, often points that out. i LOVE flutter kicks!

this video is by passion4profession. the voice of the counter/the counting in general drive me absolutely crazy in this video, but besides that i enjoy this video. i did level 1 for a few weeks before i moved up to level 2. someday i will try level 3, but for now level 2 combined with another ab video works for me. 

this is another favorite by XHIT daily. i love the mountain climbers at the end of this one. 

if you're looking for a good at home ab workout, give these videos a shot. they are quick but painful (the good kind of pain!!). i normally do not do more than 3 videos a night. when i do 3 my abs burn fiercely, which i love. none of them involve weights, although you can add them in if you are a veteran. i add in a medicine ball whenever possible and i use my dumbbells during the "russian twist" exercise. if you don't have weights to add, no worries, they hurt just as good without 'em. 


disclaimer: i am in no way affiliated with XHIT daily OR passion4profession abs. they don't know me (YET...HI XHIT!!!) & i don't know them. i just swear by their videos and wanted to share with you! 

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